Ground Improvement: Definition, Objectives of soil improvement, Classification of ground improvement techniques, Factors to be considered in the selection of the best soil improvement technique. 4 Hours Mechanical Modification: Type of mechanical modification, Aim of modification, compaction, Principle of modification for various types of soils. 2 Hours

Unit-2 Compaction 8 hours

Effect of grain size distribution on compaction for various soil types like BC soil, lateritic soil, coarse-grained soil, micaceous soil. Effect of compaction on engineering behavriour like compressibility, swelling and shrinkage, permeability, relative density, liquefaction potential. Field compaction – static, dynamic, impact and vibratory type.. Specification of compaction. Tolerance of compaction. Shallow and deep compaction.

Unit-3 Hydraulic Modification 6 hours

Definition, aim, principle, techniques. gravity drain, lowering of water table, multistage well point, vacuum dewatering. Discharge equations. Design of dewatering system including pipe line effects of dewatering.

Unit-4 Drainage & Preloading 6 hours

Drainage of slopes., preloading, vertical drains, sand drains. Assessment of ground condition for preloading, Electro kinetic dewatering.

Unit-5 Chemical Modification-I 6 hours

Definition, aim, special effects, and methods. Techniques – sandwich technique, admixtures, cement stabilization. Hydration – effect of cement stabilization on permeability, Swelling and shrinkage. Criteria for cement stabilization. Stabilization using Fly ash.

Unit-6 Chemical Modification-II 6 hours

Lime stabilization – suitability, process, special effects, criteria for lime stabilization. Other chemicals, chlorides, hydroxides, lignin, hydrofluoric acid. Properties of chemical components, reactions and effects. Bitumen, tar or asphalt in stabilization.

Unit-7 Grouting 6 hours

Introduction, Effect of grouting. Chemicals and materials used. Types of grouting. . Grouting procedure. . Applications of grouting.

Unit-8 Miscellaneous Methods (Only concepts) 8 hours

Introduction, Soil reinforcement. Thermal methods.. Ground improvement by confinement – Crib walls, Gabions and Mattresses. Anchors, Rock bolts and soil nailing.